Sunday, May 24, 2009

Taylor's new bike accessories and sleeping beauty

Taylor and daddy went on a trip to REI for some bungee cord and came home with a few accessories for Taylor's bike!

She is excited about her new basket (for snacks), handlebar streamers, and horn! Chloe doing one of her favorite things other than nurse and poop her pants, SLEEP!!! She is still nursing every two hours around the clock. It is not too bad because she falls right back to sleep for another two hours. She opens her eyes and looks around about two hours total a day so most of her days are spent catching some zzz's. She is a pretty content baby and this is making mommy and daddy very happy!!!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Sunny Day, Sweepin' the clouds away!

Taylor reading her mail before her afternoon swim!

It has been so nice in Fort Collins these last few days that we had to break out the kiddie pool! It has been in the low 90's so the water is just perfect if we fill it up in the morning and she gets in after her nap! Taylor is getting so excited for Ptarmagin pool and Highland Meadows pool to open for a summer of splashing around!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Adjusting to the new schedule!

Sleepless nights and days filled with naps! I forgot how these babies have their nights and days mixed up!!! Taylor helping with the present opening, she has even been trying on Chole's clothes to make sure that they are not hers! The sister clothes stealing starts early, hahaha
Chloe taking a little post-snack nap!

Looking back two weeks!

First family photo!

Beer Babies

Well Steve's dream has come true! He has a true beer baby, born on Cinco de Mayo. Chloe Violet Nichols. So who takes pictures of their newborn children with beer? Well, the Nichols of course and since it will be sending them through college we think it is appropriate!
Here is a picture of Taylor Kate almost 2 1/2 years ago posing with a beer!

Hanging with Grandma!

Grandma, Thank you so much for coming to our house and taking care of us during Chloe's birth and moms recovery! We miss you soooo much already. Love Always, miss taylor kate and chloe

Thursday, May 14, 2009

We are home!

The day we got home from the hospital was filled with joy and some tears as I realized that Taylor was no longer my only child and it seemed as if everything had changed. As a cried a few tears Taylor gave me a big hug and asked, "you feel sad mommy?" I did not answer her because I was not sure if I was happy or sad I just knew our life would be different! The tears quickly dried as Taylor's smile grew bigger and bigger in the moments of holding her little sister and I knew that the different was good. Taylor has adjusted into the "Big Sister" role like a dream, I am so proud of her!!!! Chloe in our favorite preemie outfit! The piggy outfit was also one of Taylor's favorites! Chloe will be sporting a lot of Taylor's old clothes around (good thing Taylor has good taste)!

Taylor carrying her baby in the bjorn.

Learning how to gently hold Chloe. Taylor is so excited to play every "Big Sister" role and every morning asks, "where is my sister Chloe?"


This is Miss Taylor Kate Nichols and Chloe Violet Nichols blog! Enjoy the little snapshots of our lives as we grow together. You can also leave us comments as we love to know what you are thinking!!!